WaterCAD 2024 Help

Demand Adjustments tab

The sizing of pipes in designer is driven by demands. By default, the demands used will be those associated with the representative scenario. However, you may want to use different demands, such as fire flows or peaks.

New Click to add a new design event. Opens the Select Snapshot box where you can select a new design event or an existing design event.

Click OK after you make a selection.

Duplicate Click to create a copy of the selected design event. This can be an efficient way to create a new design event that has many of the attributes of an existing event.
Delete Click to delete the selected design event.
Initialize Table from Selection Set Click to open the Initialize Table from Selection Set box where you can choose the Selection Set and the Design Event.

Click OK to run.

Design Event The name of the event.
Node Click the ellipsis to select the node from the drawing.
Additional Demand Fire flows or other special cases can be achieved by adding demand adjustments to individual junctions: by selecting the junction and specifying the additional demand. If necessary, demands can also be subtracted by specifying a negative number. Be sure to enter demands in the correct flow units.